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Stats about Nursing
And why you should pursue a career in Nursing!
LPN's Salary
Average Salary in the United States; $60,190
Cost of Tuition for LPN
Average cost for LPN Program Nationally - $12,000 - $15,000
Time spent in School
Average time for LPN Program is 8 - 16 months. Accelerated programs can finish as quickly as 6 months.
Student Review
"My experience with Stephanie was wonderful! She’s knowledgeable, super sweet, and very helpful. She cares about all of her students and wants them to succeed! If you have the chance, please take her course, it was amazing!!!"
Student Review
"I recently took the CNA / Basic Life Support courses at Healthcare-EDU. Stephanie is an incredible teacher. I was felt very well prepared for my exams. Thank you, Stephanie, so much!"
Student Review
"Stephanie is amazing!! After taking her course, I felt incredibly prepared for both the clinical and written exams. She takes the time to walk through all the skills and emphasize small details that might get otherwise overlooked and result in penalties. . . "

Pass the CNA Exam on your First try with our Exam prep Materials.
This is the perfect product for students who are ready for the CNA State Exam.
$19.99 Per Month
Pass The CNA
Exam Review

This book has everything you need to speak English at work. Includes phonetics tailored to Haitian Kreyol Grammar rules.
$45 for Book
Haitian to English
Speaking Guide
Throughout her career, Nurse Stephanie has been committed to enhancing the skills and knowledge of healthcare professionals. She has developed and launched numerous educational products, including interactive training modules, comprehensive e-learning courses, and innovative E-books. Her work is designed to empower healthcare workers with practical educational tactics, so that healthcare workers can deliver the highest standard of care. You can view some of her work here!